East England
Hello all,
Background: I believe I have been victim to Google’s Scans of Private Photos Led to False Accusations of Child Abuse.
I received the knock. devices taken, released on no charge bail. They informed me of the date and time of the alleged offence, and that I was being investigated for sharing IIOC to file sharing website.
I looked through my Google Activity and noticed on the exact date and timeframe, the exact number of files were uploaded to Google Photos. Within these files were pictures of my toddlers legs and torso with rashes, taken for medical reasons, and videos of my toddler in the bath, singing songs etc. All innocent.
I have advised them of this, and they have informed me, if that's the case, the forensics investigation will confirm and I have to wait for those results. Possibly taking 9 - 12 months.
I am living away from home as this was advised my Social Services based on the bail conditions. We are on a section 17.
However, looking at my bail conditions, it does not state I have to be living away from the house, nor does it say that I cannot have unsupervised contact with my children.
It only states "Not to have any contact with a child under 18 unless with the consent of the child's parent/guardian.
Bail Conditions:
Not to have any contact with any child under 18, other than what is inadvertent and not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful daily life.
Not to have any contact with a child under 18 unless with the consent of the child's parent/guardian (who has knowledge of the police investigation) and with the express approval of Social Services.
Question is. As it doesn't state "No unsupervised contact", could I ask Socail Services to change the requirements of their conditions and allow me to live at home?
By - IntrepidOrchid9960