Do you think this was done wrong? It looks too deep to me. Could I just leave it or should I have it redone? My nipples are shaped a little weird and go from flat to really long?? (don't really know how else to describe it 😅) Could it be like this because of this anatomy?
I already have sony dsc-h7 wich works really well for me, It's just a little bit chunky. It's hard to carry around for social gatherings or on trips. So I thought about buying something smaller.
Samsung wb600 caught my eye, I found one in good condition for 300pln (74usd).
My question is, is it worth it? Im looking for something rather small, not tiny. Of course good quality and long battery life.
What are some other good choices around this price range? I really need help guys, I appreciate every answer.
TLDR: had cat for 4 years had some nasal discharge but nothing crazy when i got her, fast forward to about a month ago. Starts having breathing issues to the life threatening extent, took clavimox, regularly takes inhaler and had steroids as well. Vets are stumped and so am i, what would be my next steps.
Hello, i'm kind of at a loss with where to go next with my 6 year old cat Mia. I got Mia right as she turned 2 and up until a couple months ago shes always been a ray of sunshine to everyone she meets. Super sweet, always wanting to sit on your lap and play with your hair.
Lately as of about the second week of January this year shes been having some very concerning breathing issues that my vets cant really nail down. Shes always been snotty and had pretty goopy eye discharge but it would only pop up once every 5 months or so, when it was hindering her ability to smell food and such we got her on some doxycycline, which helped marginally but didn't solve the issue. Right before i moved back to my home city i took her to the vet to get a routine checkup and see if they could maybe pinpoint the issue. All they could come back with was a potential tooth infection that could be leading to the discharge but as i was and am super broke i couldn't afford the surgery (didn't qualify for scratch or anything sadly).
Fast forward to about November 2024 when I moved from Wilmington NC back to Charlotte NC. She seemed to adjust fine to the change in climate and my new place. Come January it all went south within about a week. Shortness of breath, nasal and eye discharge, and just overall lethargy. She still ate, drank and went to the bathroom just fine but when it got to the point of her starting to breathe out of her mouth i knew something was wrong so i brought her to the vet. The first appointment they couldn't really figure out much as i was again limited on funds but ultimately gave her a 3 day steroid, some clavimox and an inhaler. She briefly got better but wasn't 100% for about another week then she went downhill again. Same symptoms so i took her back to the vet. This time i told them to just give her the works. Ultrasound, x-rays, felv/fiv test, and whatever else they needed to do. All came back negative, no fluid in/around her lungs or heart, good bit of inflammation in her throat but otherwise no obstructions and negative for felv and fiv.
The vets basically told me they cant really figure out what could be causing the issues, i mentioned the tooth problem and they said although its a slight issue shes not stable enough for surgery (as she had low body temp and her breathing wasn't stable) and that it shouldn't be causing this level of destruction to her. The biggest thing they pointed out was, in their own words, "with no evidence other than a hunch it could very well be some sort of cancer". Which i accepted as a possibility and asked whats next. They sent her home with a much stronger and longer lasting steroid this time (saying it should hopefully last a couple weeks) and a longer prescription for her inhaler.
After that visit she seemed to bounce back within a couple days, no more breathing issues, her mood had improved and just overall back to the cat everyone knows and loves. For about two weeks she was good, took her inhaler every 6 hours or so when i wasn't at work. When she had some discharge I would bring her in the bathroom for some steam therapy which seemed to work wonders. I got an air purifier and humidifier keeping my place at around 73F and 45% humidity and no particulates in the air according to the purifier. The last few days though shes been going south again. Shortness of breath and faster breathing, needing her inhaler a little more but overall nothing that has solved her issue.
So my ultimate question is, where do i go from here? can we continue to give her maybe a more long term steroid? i cant imagine shes stable enough for anything major. The vets still don't really have any answers other than possible cancer. That being said do i start looking towards euthanasia? shes only 6 and when shes good shes good but when shes bad i can tell shes only focusing on breathing and trying to calm herself. I should also mention she came with her bonded pair Kio who is the same age roughly and isn't experiencing any of these issues at all.
The only things i can think of are maybe the climate bouncing from 70 to 45 degrees humidity all over the place is messing with her asthma but she cant live forever like this. Maybe something in the air at my place that i cant see any trace of like mold spores? The air purifier stays on 24/7 and never says anythings in the air. Or just potentially cancer that they didn't see any trace of in the x-rays or such and if that's the case there's not much i can do. i don't qualify for anything and I'm living paycheck to paycheck.
Thank you for reading this novel ill be around to answer any questions.
p.s i have videos and pictures of Mia if needed. along with when she was having breathing episodes
Sooooo... F(31) here. That was the second time I applied to US Ph.Ds in Clinical Psychology and got rejected.
However, I just got accepted into a UK fully funded Ph.D. program ..... and I don't know what I want to do.
I'm an EU citizen, so I haven't lived in either country and always wanted to go to the US for my Ph.D. - mainly because of the curriculum (not just research) and the status of the universities.
This cycle, applying to US unis (all top 50 worldwide) I really thought I had a chance. Both BSc & MSc with distinction (4.00/GPA), research experience, teaching experience, and a publication in progress as 1st author. Yet no offer, nor interview. However, I found the courage to search for alternatives in the EU and UK and got into a program that is absolutely ideal for the field I'm interested in and it's surprisingly involved with clinical populations. Yet, it's in the UK (in the countryside) and the Uni's ranking is at 1100-1200 🫠 And I don't know what to do. With either choice, I'm gonna grief for the other. Does ranking matter? I don't know yet if I wanna stay in academia after the Ph.D. (I think I would like the idea of teaching some courses and also doing clinical work).
Considering all the things in the US (politics, funding etc), I was seriously shifting to the EU and UK, but I am still thinking of all the other possibilities, plus, I feel too old to keep waiting for a shot in the US.
Anyone who had similar experiences?
So I finally moved out and ended up in Kasarani for some reason. Anyone here stay in Kasarani and knows what I can do for fun especially on the weekends. Just had my first weekend here and I'm already bored. Also any girlies looking for a friend to hang out with please DM. I love cooking, reading, swimming, listen to anything but reggae, country and bongo and love me some wine and dancing. I also love trying out new restaurants and live music. Hmu if you have similar interests.
Hi there! I am conducting research for my university dissertation (see link below). This survey examines lifestyle factors and its influence on age-related cognitive decline. If anyone has the time to fill it out I'd be very grateful. It's not very long (only about 25-30 minutes in length) **It can't be completed on mobile phones,** must be done on a computer or laptop. Thank you :)
I ((f21) saw my ex f(22) today and I hated it. We dated for about a year and a half before I broke it off last November. I don't think I'm confident enough to say it was abusive but I am sure it would have gotten to that point if I hadn't gotten out.
She was incredibly demeaning towards me. Everything I did was wrong, everything about me was weird or pathetic. She would gladly go out of her way to patronize me no matter what I did. It broke me down to the core. There were moments when I would look in the mirror and hate everything about me, she made sure to make me feel as small as possible
One thing she hated about me was how I presented myself.
I have short brown hair and dress in quite a masculine style. I also like wearing silver rings and dark-coloured clothes. Before her, I really liked the way I looked but that feeling quickly faded a few months into the relationship.
She once told me point blank how I had a pathetic style and how my short hair was ugly. No build-up or argument. She phrased it like it was a little fun fact I didn't know about myself. I cannot stress enough how bad it was at one point, for every good thing she had to say about me there were 10 insults or criticisms
I can remember we took a photo together as a couple on her birthday ( she also took some solo photos of course) This woman went ahead, CROPPED ME OUT of the picture and posted it on her social media. It was like she was ashamed to be seen with me. When I asked her why she did it she just claimed I "didn't fit the aesthetic"
This was maybe a viable excuse because at the time she would exclusively wear bright-coloured dresses and very feminine clothes. She also had very long red hair and as far as I was concerned exclusively wore gold jewelry.
Now Imagine my surprise when I saw this woman with cropped BROWN hair identical to mine, wearing jeans and a dark grey wife beater with stacked silver rings.
She also very casually placed herself right in front of my faculty building, obviously, she has a right to go anywhere she'd like. But it feels so performative, she had absolutely no reason to be there unless she magically transferred to engineering this semester
I don't know if this is all a big coincidence and I don't care, hell I don't even care that she essentially looks like an off-brand version of me. What I HATED was the HYPOCROSY of this woman
The AUDACITY of her to criticize every damn thing I do and make me feel worthless just to turn around and blatantly copy me. I feel so weird about it.
My friends say that I shouldn't make a big deal out of it, but I can't shake this feeling of pure rage
I hate how seeing her made me feel
You know i do not mind her as a character design and unites but they need to nerf her R6 is just so frustrating to play against these teams i can not kill them they are to tanky. For one Su jue hit like a truck and then she can just say lol to moro for example especially when she has spirit aegis. Like why. Unlike Anna she will never fade out unless a unites comes that just say lol no to her.
Would she be not a limit unite i would say okay thats fine but she is and i can not magically get her to R6 myself and that this point i refuse to even because that just urgh.
I am all for nerfing her to R6 that cut her stack to 6 or when she dies she consum all since it kind redicouls she can revie herself 3 times in the row so you need to be abel to kill her 4 times in pvp.
I really tried different team comb but couple with a Lian R6 you can put them 2 in and team and you are goldne can climb to R21 or more.
It also comes form a place that i do not have for example Toland or Elliot R6 that i could use to nich her out. Or do i have R6 sui zai. And i do not mind all this but fishing for teams that have no Su jue in them gets old pretty fast.
And yes i did start getting momo R0 now we will see how it will goes.
It has now been just over a year since Exeter made his apology and released Napoleon in Rags, and there is radio silence. I would assume that he just lost interest again. I guess we can feel a little peace in knowing we got one more song, but I will always question what could have been? What a ride!